• Art of a Pretty Clean Home: 6 Spring Cleaners for Those who Hate to Clean

    AOP Cleaning Post

    Spring is officially upon us and unfortunately so is “Spring Cleaning”. For all of those (like myself) who are not a fan of spending spring days inside scrubbing, washing and organizing here are some of my favorites finds to make the job a little less of a job…

    Clorox general bleach: Goodbye mildew, mold, moss and looking like a mess in my stained white blouse. Win!

    Glad trash bags with Gain scent: Because why should the trash can smell like garbage when it can smell like a lavender breeze or a Hawaiian vacation? Exactly…

    Pine-Sol: Zaps wine stains away on both my dress and my living room carpet. Done and done!

    Bounty with Dawn: Your dirty kitchen won’t stand a chance against this duo.

    Seventh Generation: The All Purpose Cleaner is free of harsh fumes and solvents and prevents volatile compounds or VOCs from polluting the air. FYI – the wipes can kill up to 99.9% of household germs in one fell swoop. Enough said.

    Tide HE Turbo Clean: Works with High Efficiency washing machines to save water and the cap actually tells you exactly how much detergent to use. No brainer.


  • Noseblind and I Never Knew It!

    Have you ever wondered if your house smelled? I often find myself wondering if my three feline roommates or that gym bag, which has become a permanent fixture in my car have caused the places I inhabit to become offensive to the senses. However, I thought after several sniffs if I can’t smell anything no one can right? Oh how WRONG I was….

    Yesterday I learned the terrifying fact that my place could reek without me even knowing….”how?” you may ask… the answer, “Noseblindness”! Jane Lynch teamed up with Febreze and Funny or Die to expose the condition.


    ““Generally speaking many people experience “noseblindess” on a daily basis and there’s a pretty cool reason behind it– your brain registers scents and dismisses those that don’t pose a threat or require an action, that way your nose and your brain are freed up to focus on other surroundings,” Lynch told us.

    Get your nose in on the issue that is actually more scientific than you would think. And you can catch the hilarious Funny or Die “PSA” at www.noseblind.com.

  • My Super Bowl Party’s Touchdown Snack

    Whether you are rooting for the Seahawks or Broncos I think we can all agree that no big game bash is complete without some killer apps. I always go for the guac and this year I found avocado recipes that put a twist on classic game faves. I call that #winning (check ’em out here!).


  • Lighten Your Load: Laundry Detergents Free of Dyes and Perfumes

    Some of the biggest laundry detergent brands are freeing up their formulas. Not only are these dye and perfume-free gentler on your clothes but also on skin, which is huge! Look out for Tide Free & Gentle, Downy and Bounce Free & Sensitive fabric enhancers for a healthy switch.


  • Decking the Halls, Table and Everything Else…

    Over here at Art of Pretty we are all getting ourselves and our homes ready for the holiday season which is now in full force!  This season I decided to spice up my holiday table décor and ran into some fun decorations while shopping at JCPenneyJonathon Adler’s Happy Chic line for JCPenney is an amazing collection.

    Picture 14

    One piece that I LOVE is the place guards.  They’re not only place guards, but also a picture frame that can be turned into an ornament.  I can’t wait for my guests to come over and check these out at my table!
